Miyawaki Foresting

Miyawaki Forest (Crowd foresting) is a special type of forestry developed by Dr. Akira Miyawaki, a Japanese botanist who has received the "Blue Planet" award for his contributions to nature conservation. In this way, a fully formed forest can be created in three years. A forest equivalent to a hundred years can be made in fifteen years. The success of such afforestation is due to proper planting and fertilization practices. Planting together does not necessarily mean that they will grow or become a forest. It may take one hundred or one hundred and fifty years for that to happen.

In the Miyawaki model, if a seedling is to be planted, the seedlings need to be grown for three months. Most plants purchased from nurseries are grown in red soil under cover or in pots. They should be grown in Miyawaki style in grow bags, plastic pots, or earthen pots in a mixture of coco peat, dried cow dung, and husk. The Miyawaki method will only be successful if the taproots and lateral roots are healthy.

For Miyawaki Forestry, which are the native plants that are plants that grow naturally in an area, try to grow those plants in the same area (Potential Natural Vegetation) only when the intended growth in the Miyawaki model is implemented in a short period. Whether it's a half-cent, a cent, two cents, three cents, or more, Miyawaki Forest is the first J.C.B. to prepare. With Bor by human power, four feet to five feet or square or rectangular pits according to the lay of the land, lime is first applied according to the chemical nature of the soil, and a row of dry gravel should be placed on the floor. Then the pit can be covered by mixing organic matter, dry dung, husk, etc.

The place prepared in this way is called a "Fertilizer bed".After planting the plants, measure with a rope and mark with lime. Four plants can be planted per square meter of planting. Large with a large canopy, medium growing, short growing, and trailing. Miyawaki manufactures cost-effectiveness and quality.

In the Miyawaki Forest, some plants are used for making:

1. Cluster Fig (Ficus racemosa), Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa), Banyan tree (Ficusbenghalensis), Indian rock fig (Ficus arnottiana), Karal (Ficus tsjahela), Indian bat tree(Ficus ampissima), Krishna fig (Ficus krishnae), Weeping fig (Ficus benjamiana), Opposite leaf fig (Ficus hispida) Roxburgh fig (Ficus auriculata), Mysore fig (Ficus drupacea), Calloused fig (Ficus callosa), some plants belonging to the genus Ficus such as the big fig.

2. Sweet indrajao (Wrightia tinctoria)

3. Plash tree (Butea monosperma)

4. Mango tree (Mangifera indica)

5. Cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale)

6. Wild jack (Artocarpus hirsutus)

7. Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica)

8. Star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus)

9. Tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica)

10. Guava tree (Psidium guajava)

11. Indian coffee plum (Flacourtia jangomas/Flacourtia inermis)

12. Golden shower tree (Cassia fistula)

13. Coffee plant (Coffea arabica)

14. Gulmohar (Delonix regia)

15. Custard apple (Annona reticulata)

16. Mahagony (Swietenia macrophylla)

17. Bauhinia plant (Bauhinia acuminata)

18. Spathodea (Spathodea campanulata)

19. Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

20. Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris)

21. Soursop (Annona muricata)

22. Rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia)

23. Arjun tree (Terminalia arjuna)

24. Malabar neem wood (Melia dubia)

25. Sugar apple(Annona squamosa)

26. Green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata)

27. Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius)

28. Coral bean tree (Adenanthera pavonia)

29. Malabar nut (Adhathoda vasica)

30. Smilax plant (Smilax zeylanica)

31. Blackboard tree (Alstonia scholaris)

32. Beach Calophyllum (Calophyllum inophyllum)

33. Aporosa tree (Aporosa cardiosperma)

34. Bandicoot berry (Leea indica)

35. True cinnamon tree (Cinnamoum verum)

36. Spiny fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum)

37. Jatropha plant (Jatropha integerrima)

38. Annatto tree (Bixa orellana)

39. Indian bael plant (Aegle marmelos)

40. Beechwood plant (Gmelina arborea)

41. Pongame oil tree (Pongamia pinnata / Millittia pinnata)

42. Spanish cherry(Mimosops elengi)

43. Vegetable hummingbird (Sesbania grandiflora)

44. Malabar tamarind (Garcina cambogia / Garcinia gummi-gutta)

45. Pride of India (Lagerstroemia speciosa)

46. Heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia)

47. Burflower-tree (Neolamarckia cadamba)

48. Neem tree (Azadirachta indica)

49. Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

50. Curry tree (Murraya koenigii)

51. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

52. Asian pigeonwings (Clitoria ternatea)

53. Hog plums (Spodias mobin)

54. Gaint calotrope (Calotropis gigantea)

55. Wild nutmeg tree (Myristica malabarica)

56. Deccan olive (Elaeocarpus tuberculatus)

57. Rudraksha tree (Elaeocarpus ganitrus)

58. Jungli badam (Hydnocarpus pentandrus)

59. Betel leaf (Piper betle)

60. Cylon ironwood (Mesua ferrea)

61. Carallia (Carallia brachiata)

62. Aquilaria (Aquilaria sinensis)

63. Ebony (Diospyros ebenum)

64. Velvet apple / Mabola fruit (Diospyros blancoi)

65. Beach almond (Terminalia bellirica)

66. Almond tree (Terminalia catappa)

67. Flame lily (Gloriosa superba)

68. Indian copal tree (Vateria indica)

69. Asian palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer)

70. Tylophora (Tylophora indica)

71. Night-flowering jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis)

72. Portia tree (Thespesia populnea)

73. Niepa bark tree (Quassia indica)

74. Java plum (Syzygium cumini)

75. Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides)

76. Indian screw tree (Helicteres isora)

77. Salani plant (Desmodium gangeticum)

78. Indian trumpet tree (Oroxylum indicum)

79. Malabar kino (Pterocarpus marsupium)

80. Wild nutmeg (Knema attenuata)

81. White cedar (Dysoxylum malabaricum)

82. Mooti fruit tree (Baccaurea courtallensis)

83. Large-flowered bay tree (Persea macrantha)

84. Canistel (Pouteria campechiana)

85. Tree-leaved caper (Crateva religiosa)

86. Sapota tree (Manilkara zapota)

87. Starfruit / Carambola tree (Averrhoa carambola)

88. Milk fruit (Chrysophyllum cainito)

89. Satinleaf (Chrysophyllum oliviforme)

There are many plants to choose from to create a Miyawaki forest.

A beautiful ''Butterfly Gardening'' in Miyawaki Forest is if you try to plant fruit trees, larval host plants to attract butterflies, and nectar plants on the four sides of the forest where there is more sunlight. Let's prepare.